Friday, July 24, 2020


One of the things I really like about painting beach umbrellas are their bright colors.

In this piece, which will have dominant blues and greens, I knew a fun yellow would be important. Seeing a different orangey/rose to deep red umbrella in one of my reference photos, I thought switching it to yellow and oranges would work. I placed this umbrella in the mid-distance to play off the two foreground ones and bring attention to the distant rainbow umbrella to its right.

The green umbrella to the yellow umbrella's left will tie in nicely to the foreground umbrellas. I spent some time mixing the greens because I wanted them bright but not so bright to distract from the two dominant umbrellas.

The blue/teal/stripe umbrella is definitely the most complicated beach umbrella I have painted so far.

My usual palette is a 12" X 16" disposable one. Once I had the sky, water, sand, and sand dune painted, the palette was mostly covered with mid-tone natural colors. I decided to grab one of my smaller disposable palettes, a 9" X 12 so I could build the bright umbrella colors. Surely this size would be plenty large enough for a few umbrellas. Well, take a look!

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