by Linda Besse
Labrador, Canada.
Imagine a place where at any moment you can spot a bear (or a mom with cubs), hear the howl of wolves, watch a soaring golden eagle or the dramatic lake crossing of a large herd of caribou. A place where you can fill your water bottle at any stream, and drink it untreated. A place where the tapestry of wilderness enfolds you. Such a place is Lake Kamestastin. I am thrilled I was able to experience it.
My trip with the Wilderness River Expedition Art Foundation (WREAF) http://www.wreaf.org)/was the trip of a lifetime. From the dramatic landscape to the pristine lakes and streams, the ptarmigan, song birds, golden eagle, bears, and of course the caribou, I was hooked. Our group of 8 artists were generously sponsored by the Canadian Wildlife Federation. To see photos from this amazing trip, visit the WREAF website. My website (http://www.besseart.com/) also has a page with photos and a story which can be accessed by clicking on the WREAF logo on the home page.
My new paintings from this trip include:
Crossing http://www.besseart.com/originalslm1-2.html
First Light http://www.besseart.com/originalslm1-10.html