No matter the accolades, awards, or recognition, this invariably happens to artists. In the light of day pieces do not look the same.
I set my paint brush down and yes, the painting was good. Leaving the studio after my brushes were clean, I had dinner, a leisurely evening, and off to bed.
In the middle of the night I woke with a uneasy feeling.
The next morning I knew I had to see the painting right away.
Hmmm. The piece was okay. Okay is not good enough. I already had the frame, an odd 12" X 33" size, and a deadline. Do I have time to paint something else? Should I try and make it the same size or cut down the frame? What was an easy decision - the finished piece in front of me will not be going to the gallery.
Hours later I have a new composition and several days later the below work in progress.