Monday, March 18, 2024

The Big Test

 After all the hours painting the background, will the horse work? Can I pull off enough interest in him that he is not overshadowed by the landscape?
If these seem like questions which should be answered before beginning, sometimes on a challenging piece when you are taking a risk, painting something new or outside your comfort zone, you just don't know if the painting will say what you are trying to communicate until you paint it.

My current palette is a-jumble with colors, hardly a spot to spare. I put it aside and grab a fresh palette pack for mixing the colors of the horse. I use disposable palette sheets and in a situation like this will keep the first sheet handy so I can easily go back to its colors.

Like usual I start with the animal's eyes. 

Now that the "face" is painted, I am feeling more confident that this horse was a good choice for the painting. I think his star quality will carry the painting.

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