Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Painting Greens

Near when I first started painting, I hated working with greens. They would be too vivid, too blue, too muddy. They just didn't read real to me. So, I decided to do a piece which was basically shades of green. From a yellow-green to a deep blue-green, I got to experiment. Below is the result.
Shades of Green
Original oil, 2001
16" X 24" 
After this painting greens were no longer a nemesis. Difficult, but I didn't hate them.
I bring this up because this next painting on my easel has a lot of different greens. They are the driving force to the depth of the piece. 
The interior of Martha's Vineyard, an island off the east coast,  has rolling hills and pastoral farms. Rock walls from centuries past cross the landscape. This particular farm has been a favorite of mine. 

 The pond in the distance adds an extra layer of depth and almost a longing to walk in to the scene to go swimming on a warm summer afternoon.
The greens on the right start to add a flavor of warm bright color to the scene. However, the deepest and richest greens are saved for the foreground.


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